Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Scrambled eggs

Need protein for mornings? :)

Here is a simple recipe for the yummiest scrambled eggs~

2 eggs
2 tbsp fresh milk
Pinch of salt
Dash of pepper
1 tsp oil

1. Beat eggs and all the ingredients
2. Fry in heated pan with the oil and make sure you don't over cook the eggs, once it starts looking all creamy and scrambled, turn off the heat and stir a little more.
3. EAT :)

Fried Kailan with Garlic and Oyster Sauce

One of my friend requested for some recipes that she can cook up and she is a new cook, so i'll start with a really really simple recipe for fried kailan with oyster sauce. I will slowly post up more recipes as I want to include step by step pictures as that's something I would like if I had to follow a new recipe. You can substitute the vege with any other vege you like and cooking is supposed to be fun, so do experiment! :)


Garlic, chopped, 2 cloves
Oyster sauce, 1 tbs
Oil, 1 tsp
Salt, Pepper, Chicken stock( I use Maggi's chicken stock)
Some water

Since I didn't know how to do anything last time, I mean how to cut the vege and stuffs, I'd say, just cut it how you want to eat it, it doesn't have to look like what you get in the restaurant, as long as you're happy. :)

When you finished cutting the vege into the size you want and removing the harder part of the stalk, you'd want to soak the vege with some salt for a while before washing it (like how you wash your rice). I usually peel off the outer part of the stalk and cook it together and its yummy! (many people don't know that it can be that yummy.. :P )

1. Heat the oil and throw in the chopped garlic.
2. Fry for a minute or so but you don't want to burn the garlic as it'll be bitter *yuck
3. Throw in the vege and then the oyster sauce.
4. Add some water, depending how much gravy you'd want and flavour with salt, pepper, or chicken stock.
*Do be careful when adding the salt as the oyster sauce is usually quite flavourful already~